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Why not enjoy the feel of your floor!

Did you ever notice that if your feet feel warm, the rest of your body is comfortable? Warm Tiles™ creates a floor that is comforting, providing an even temperature through a network of low profile warming cables, hardware and electrical controls. Warm Tiles™ comfort costs less than a penny per square foot per day and operates on ordinary electric current. It can be installed directly on plywood, concrete or cement backerboard substrates by installing the system just below the floor finish.

Warm Tiles™ Electric Floor Warming Systems Catalog

Floor Heating Photo - 4

Warm Tiles™ DMC Cable

Warm Tiles™ WTE Mats

Warm Tiles™ DFT Cables

Warm Tiles™ SAM Mat

Warm Tiles™ Thermostats

Warm Tiles™ ES and ESW WiFi ColorTouch Thermostats

Warm Tiles™ Floor Warming Accessories

Warm Tiles™ Resources

Warm Tiles™ Troubleshooting